March 21st 2020 Update
Hello, Friends of Ajawah!
It’s a sad day when we need to brace ourselves for the possibility of our 90-year-old tradition being altered in any way. The Camping Board is doing just that, preparing for all different scenarios to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Foremost, we will put the safety and security of our campers and staff first, following the guidelines of the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health. Plus, we have Ajawah alums, our Medical Director, Dr. Linda Peitzman, and Dr. Leah Schrupp Werowinski staying abreast of all pertinent information to ensure a good, safe decision. We are well aware that the projections don’t look good for the 90th reunion on June 12,13-14, nor the first session of girls’ camp, which starts on June 21. If we do need to cancel or alter camp in any way, and you’ve already registered, please know you will have the option of receiving a full refund.
However, we are Ajawah. Our brave leader and Board Chair, Yimeem Vu, reminds us that we are used to solving problems, to being prepared, and to being good civil servants. We will be in touch with updates as soon as we have them. Please stay safe, stay separated, check in with your neighbors, and thank a healthcare worker—from a distance.
We will update every Sunday evening on our official Facebook page (@Ajawah), and on our official website, which will soon be getting a whole new facelift: